建筑節(jié)能被認為是中國實現(xiàn) 2030 年碳減排目標的關鍵領域,且建筑節(jié)能技術是反映一個國家先進的重要標志。目前,建筑遮陽是為了避免陽光直射室內,防止建筑物的外圍護結構被陽光過分加熱,從而防止局部過熱和眩光的產(chǎn)生,以及保護室內各種物品而采取的一種必要的措施。而傳統(tǒng)的內遮陽技術采用室內窗簾,并無法阻擋熱能,因此,內遮陽技術在現(xiàn)代建筑節(jié)能中仍面臨著巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。


近年來,可以在透明與不透明之間按需切換的電致變色智能窗應用而生。例如,波音787飛機以及國內一些手機制造商(e.g., VIVO, One plus等)都采用了傳統(tǒng)電致變色技術,但是該電致變色技術需要使用外部電源才能變暗,并且褪色過程中仍需要外部電壓,因此,該智能窗仍未對目前的建筑市場或者其他電子產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)生廣泛的影響。為了降低電致變色智能窗的能耗,科學家們普遍采用太陽能電池為傳統(tǒng)電致變色智能窗供能。但是,在夜晚或者陽光缺失時,無法工作的太陽能電池使得電致變色智能窗仍需外部電壓使其褪色(如Figure 1a所示)。


Figure 1.?Working principle comparison of the PV-electrochromic smart window systems. a) Schematic of a conventional PV-electrochromic smart window architecture and the color switching process. The configuration requires external energy to be supplied to bleach the electrochromic smart window in the absence of sunlight at night or during sunlight intermittency in the daytime. S1 and S2 represent a typical double-pole double-throw switch to manage the current. S3 represents a traditional switch for bleaching the electrochromic smart window via an external energy storage unit. b) Schematic of the PV-ZECD smart window architecture and the color switching process. This configuration can provide electricity to power electronics during bleaching and it does not require electrical energy to bleach the device. The PB film changes colors upon the conversion between Prussian white (colorless) and Prussian blue (blue). S1 and S2 represent typical switches.

基于上述時代背景與能耗需求,加拿大阿爾伯塔大學李海增等人近期提出了耗能可回收的新型電致變色技術,其不僅可以應用于耗能可回收的電致變色智能窗(Joule, 2019, 3, 2268;?Adv. Mater.,?2019,?31, 180706;?Nanoscale?Horiz.?2020, 5, 691),也可以廣泛應用于透明多彩顯示(Light Sci. Appl.?2020, 9, 121;?Adv. Opt. Mater.?2020, 8, 1901224)。這種“鋅”型電致變色器件不僅解決了對電極電荷不對稱所帶來的電解質分解問題,更大幅降低了電致變色器件的能耗問題。更為重要的是,這種“鋅”型電致變色可以充分解決由于傳統(tǒng)電致變色智能窗陽光缺失所面臨的復雜電路裝備問題(如Figure 1b所示)。



Figure 2.?Transparent Zn-anode-based electrochromic smart window?architecture and characterization of the transparent Zn anode. a) Representative schematic of the transparent Zn-anode-based electrochromic window architecture. b) Illustration of the simulated spatial electric field distribution within the 80 cm2 ZECD window when a coloration voltage of 1.6 V is applied (a detailed explanation is provided in Figure S1, Supporting Information). c) SEM images of a single stainless-steel wire (i) and Zn-nanoparticle-coated stainless-steel wire (ii,iii). Scale bar: 10?μm. d) Optical transmittance spectra of a bare stainless-steel mesh and a core-shell-structured transparent zinc-nanoparticle anode. The inset in the left is a photograph of 10 cm?×?13 cm transparent zinc anode, while the right inset shows a schematic core-shell structure of the zinc coating on a single stainless-steel wire.

經(jīng)過精心設計,作者們開發(fā)了一種以透明不銹鋼網(wǎng)為基底的鋅納米顆粒包覆的核殼結構,該結構可以有效避免傳統(tǒng)鋅箔持續(xù)不斷地溶解產(chǎn)生鋅離子,從而降低鋅枝晶的產(chǎn)生以及提高普魯士藍的穩(wěn)定性。通過電場模擬(Figure 2b),這種透明鋅網(wǎng)可以使器件內部電場均勻分布,從而達到快速響應以及均勻變色的效果。而這種具有納米鋅涂層的不銹鋼金屬網(wǎng)格的透明度并沒有明顯降低,證明了這種透明鋅網(wǎng)將是一種非常優(yōu)異的可用于“鋅”型電致變色智能窗的陽極材料。


Figure 3.?Performance of the ZECD smart window. a) Photographs of a 0.5 V LED powered by the 80 cm2?ZECD smart window demonstrate a spontaneous bleaching process via conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy. b) Visible and near-infrared transmittance spectra of the 80 cm2?window measured at different states. c) Light transmission at 632.8 nm?through the center (blue?line) and the edge (red line) of the 80 cm2?window. d) Photographs of the ZECD smart window at different times during switching at 0.8 V for 10 s followed by 1.6 V for 10 s. The arrow indicates the direction of the evolution of the coloring and bleaching states. e) Visible and near-infrared transmittance spectra of a flexible 25 cm2?ZECD smart window. The inset shows the photograph of the flexible 25 cm2 ZECD smart window.

通過選擇合適的電解質體系以及電致變色電極體系,作者們組裝成了具有優(yōu)異性能的80-cm2電致變色智能窗(Figure 3),該電致變色智能窗展示出非常優(yōu)異的電致變色性能,包括67.2%的光調制范圍,4 s 以內的響應時間,以及均勻的著色/褪色效果。尤其值得注意的是,由于這種透明鋅網(wǎng)較好的柔韌性,其可以應用于組裝柔性電致變色智能窗,為未來貼膜式智能窗的開發(fā)提供了無限可能。

如前文所講,這種“鋅”型電致變色智能窗能夠完美解決太陽能電池在夜晚或者陽光缺失時無法工作所面臨的問題。因此,作者們繼續(xù)開展太陽能充電的“鋅”型電致變色智能窗。如Figure 4所示,通過太陽能電池充電的“鋅”型電致變色智能窗可以在白天將太陽能儲存于智能窗內,并可以發(fā)生著色效果,從而起到遮陽生電的效果。而當夜晚來臨,該智能窗又可將存儲的太陽能以電能的形式釋放出來,起到為室內家電供能的作用。而這種太陽能電池充電的“鋅”型電致變色智能窗展示出了快速響應的特點,并且具有到目前為止最高的往返能源效率。


Figure 4.?Solar-charging performance of the 80 cm2?ZECD smart window. a)?Demonstration of the?functionality?of the homemade DC–DC converter, which regulates the output voltage from the silicon solar panel to a stable voltage of 1.646 V. b) Photographs of the 80 cm2?ZECD smart window in its colored and bleached states as it is charged by the PV solar panel and when discharged. c) Transmission at a light wavelength of 632.8 nm during the solar-charging process (solid blue line), and the galvanostatic discharge process at a current density of 0.25 mA m?2?(dotted blue line). The red line is the corresponding galvanostatic discharge curve, and the inset photograph shows an LED (0.5 V regulated) being lit up by the solar-charged ZECD smart window.


Figure?5.?Photographs of a 30 cm?×?30 cm ZECD smart window.?a,b) The coloration effect of the window charged by the silicon PV solar panel. a) A bleached ZECD smart window before PV solar charging. b) A colored ZECD smart window after PV solar charging.

除此之外,該“鋅”型電致變色智能窗還展示出了非常優(yōu)異的尺寸可伸縮性,作者們在實驗室條件下制備出了30 cm × 30 cm尺寸的智能窗,并且保持有較好的電致變色性能(Figure 5)。

該研究的最大意義在于作者首創(chuàng)的提出了透明鋅網(wǎng)用于太陽能充電的“鋅”型電致變色智能窗,其中多位審稿人認為該工作將會成為電致變色領域內的一個“l(fā)aunching point”。作者們也希望其開發(fā)的“鋅”型電致變色器件能夠受到各界同行們越來越多的關注。


1.?耗能可回收電致變色智能窗:?Joule, 2019, 3,?2268;?Adv.?Mater., 2019, 31, 180706;?Nanoscale?Horiz.?2020, 5, 691。

2.?耗能可回收透明多彩電致變色顯示:Light Sci. Appl.?2020, 9, 121;?Adv. Opt. Mater.?2020, 8, 1901224。

3.?傳統(tǒng)電致變色器件:Nano Energy,?2018, 47, 130;?ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces?2018, 10, 10520;?ACS?Appl. Mater. Interfaces?2019, 11, 20378;?J. Mater. Chem. C,?2016, 4, 33;?J. Mater. Chem. A,?2014, 2, 11305。



李海增博士2016年畢業(yè)于東華大學纖維材料改性國家重點實驗室,師從電致變色領域專家王宏志教授。自2011年以來,李海增博士一直從事電致變色光熱調控器件的研究,著眼于光電集成技術的發(fā)展,從電致變色半導體材料到功能集成化系統(tǒng)器件形成了一個完整的有鮮明特色的研究體系,在理論設計、工藝實現(xiàn)和工程應用方面都取得了關鍵性的突破。近年來,李海增博士建立了一步溶劑熱法制備高性能氧化鎢半導體電致變色薄膜(J. Mater. Chem. A?2014,2,11305),開發(fā)了低成本高穩(wěn)定性的可印刷電致變色半導體墨水(J. Mater. Chem. C?2016, 4, 33-38;Adv. Mater. Technol.?2017, 2, 1700047;Nano Energy?2018,47, 130-139),提出了納米增材制造印刷電子技術復合薄膜的設計策略(ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces?2018, 10, 10520),實現(xiàn)了低成本復雜結構的電致變色納米半導體薄膜的構筑;并創(chuàng)建了新型耗能可回收電致變色集成系統(tǒng)(Adv. Mater.?2019, 31, 1807065(高被引論文)),解決了傳統(tǒng)電致變色光熱調控器件能耗以及電路設計存在的問題;提出了混合電解質體系用于高性能耗能可回收電致變色集成系統(tǒng)的設計思路(Joule?2019, 3, 2268(熱點論文)),致力于下一代電致變色器件的綠色可持續(xù)發(fā)展的實用技術的研究;構建了基于耗能可回收電致變色集成系統(tǒng)的“透明多彩”顯示新模式(Adv. Optical Mater.?2020, 8, 1901224;?Light Sci. Appl.?2020, 9, 121),解決了傳統(tǒng)電致變色顯示器中電極對稱性以及顏色多彩性等關鍵技術難題。此外,李海增博士與國內知名鍍膜玻璃有限公司以及加拿大最大的窗戶制造商All Weather Windows具有深度合作,掌握著低成本制備大面積智能窗的核心技術。




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